Marketing Insights for B2B Business Leaders.Plan to Be Unique – Breed Innovation
In the over-use of the term “innovation”, we tend to believe that being innovative is something that just comes naturally to the lucky ones, or that it’ll just happen as long as we are diligently talking about it. The truth, as many thought-leaders...
A Look Back on Innovation
It's Q4, and for many of us this means it's time to review what our organisation and industry have done during the year. For some, it means crunching numbers and sleepless nights, for others it means reviewing what didn't work and planning for the future, but for all...
The Burnout of Innovation
There is an epidemic in business culture today. “Innovation” is on everyone’s lips and minds, but very few are truly grasping what it means. If you have been in business for a while, then you will most likely have a firm grasp on the idea that...
Innovation Touches Everything
This graphic might seem a bit random, but it cleverly illustrates the organic nature of innovation. We speak of innovation in business ad nauseum, but it is important to remember that true innovation is much bigger than that. True innovation touches everything, and a...
Small Ideas Can Lead to Big Innovation
Варан History has shown us that with each economic fall, each country decline, and every tragic event, comes a rise of bold ideas, people, and actions. While many cry out as times get hard, there are a select few who turn their noses to the grindstone and look for...
Learning to Fail: The Key to Successful Business Innovation
Woody Allen, while not necessarily considered a thought leader of today, was once considered a visionary and had many “gems” to share with us.Строительство | Строительство деревянных домов под ключ I particularly like this quote because it sums up the core...
Business Model Innovation in the 21st Century
[screencast url="http://www.screencast.com/t/HzynDxJaQD" width="500" height="350"] When most of us think of innovation, we think of new products, services. and technologies which enhance people's lives. Saul Kaplan, author of The Business Model Innovation Factory: How...
Content Marketing and the Imperative of Employee Engagement
The growing importance of content marketing in business communication makes highlights the fact that employee engagement is not just a thankless task to keep your HR manager awake. In the digital age when content increasingly replaces an army or sales reps to build a...
The Ticket to Long Term Success for Start-ups: Great Company Culture
“Company culture” is a term often thrown around in the start-up world. You know a positive company culture when you see it, but it’s not something you can build from scratch, and that can be frustrating for managers. Innofuture posted about ways to create a business...