B2B Marketing Communication Services

Why Every Business Needs Good Marketing Communication

Communication is everything, and in business, an ongoing, effective marketing communication will ensure a reliable sales growth. To be effective, market communication needs to be grounded in the right strategy and tell a consistent story with the right message and voice.

Marketing communication is even more critical in the digital age when many benefits of face-to-face selling are being lost in online content.  Yet, the #1 challenge for small business in being able to leverage good marketing communication is the lack of internal resources. As a result of marketing communication not being implemented, only 32% of businesses achieve their business objectives.


Our Marketing Communication Solutions

InnoFuture provides a range of B2B marketing communication services to help small companies achieve the desired results. We support you at every stage to plan and execute a results-oriented business strategy. Our senior consultant works directly with the business leaders and key stakeholders to deliver tailored strategies designed exclusively for your business. We quickly gain a broad understanding of your business, your ideal customers and your business goals. We also realise that marketing budgets can be limited, so we leverage our expertise and experience to map out the most practical and impactful marketing strategy to realize your business goals.

The Most Essential Types of the B2B Marketing Communication:

Please discuss with us your specific problems as in marketing, the last thing you want is a cookie-cutter solution.


Why Marketing Communication Needs Strategic Foundations

Marketing communication strategy is an essential part of business strategy as its purpose is to attract, engage and create customers. Importantly, an effective market communication strategy converts loyal customers into promoters of your Brand and its products and services.

An effective your market communication not only attracts ideal customers and employees, but it converts them into strong ambassadors and promoters of your business brand. Documenting a simple marketing strategy gives the business a clear direction and a roadmap to get there, a communication plan, anchored in SMART goals to help monitor and measure progress.

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    Start Here: Value of the Unique Value Proposition

    InnoFuture helps businesses of all sizes develop a winning Value Proposition (UVP). Having a laser-sharp Value Proposition, UVP, also referred to as a Unique Selling Proposition, USP, does ONE THING: UVP helps sell profitably.

    A Value Proposition can refer to the whole business, or a particular Product or Service your company offers and enables sales and marketing to communicate with the different Customer Segments more effectively. A great UVP is memorable in its simplicity and easy to leverage across all media. It is your ultimate ‘sales slogan’ that helps compel customers to choose your Brand.


    Four Signs You Need to Sharpen Your Value Proposition:

      1. Your sales team struggles to give a compelling reason why prospects should buy from you.
      2. Your employees don’t know how to tell others how cool your company is.
      3. Your website looks and reads exactly like your competitors.
      4. Your Value Proposition includes the word “solutions”.



    B2B Content Marketing and Inbound Services

    With Content Marketing now accounting for delivering 54% more leads, costs 61% less per lead and 300% higher ROI than outbound, it is clear that a smart content strategy is pretty essential. Salespeople today can no longer rely on personal selling when 79% of buying decisions are influenced by inbound strategies.

    InnoFuture helps B2B companies develop effective content marketing strategies to reach and support their ideal customers along their Buying Journey using the latest methods, thinking and technology. We cater to the needs of both established and emerging B2B companies and help them to align marketing and sales with their business goals.


    Inbound Marketing

    InnoFuture offers inbound marketing, and content strategy as most effective communication strategies for B2B customers. Inbound marketing is the most advanced form of marketing communication that leverages the power of marketing technology (MarTech) and strategic content to deliver accountable and measurable marketing ROI. Inbound marketing is the most effective approach for B2B and B2C marketers, enabling to attract and pull ideal customers along the marketing funnel, or customer life-cycle stages.


    Website Strategy & Content

    A sound website strategy and high quality content have major impact on the business bottom line today, with websites increasingly becoming the most important selling tool. Website is the public expression of your business strategy, positioning and your future roadmap. It is the voice of your Brand, authoritatively representing you, while you are asleep. A business website is the ultimate, interactive prospect information library and the virtual sales rep who can answer almost all questions that help your prospects find, trust and want to do business with you. A relevant and always fresh website drives traffic and enquiries and is better supported by Google algorithms.


    Pillar Content Marketing | SEO Driver

    At InnoFuture we develop website strategy around the Pillar Content principles that the major contributor to SEO results.

    Email Marketing. The Unbeatable Business Performer.

    One of the most effective B2B marketing channels to promote your content and convert leads to prospects and to increase the frequency of purchase, is email marketing. According to research, email marketing has an ROI of $40 for every dollar spent.

    Almost everything you do utilising digital marketing, paves the way to building your email database. Once you have the email address and a permission to communicate with your prospects, email enables you to create conversations with individual people, build relationships and trust. To do so, and to bring the desired results, the Brand must implement email marketing consistently, as an integral part of communication strategy.


    Integrated Marketing Communication

    Integrated marketing communication is about leveraging different channels to engage the right audience with your message on their terms. Integrated communication involves curating different types of content and channels to gain synergistic results. Content is always about quality. So, it is important to invest in good quality collateral such as articles, blog posts, case studies, and whatever is relevant to your audience. The secret to business results is in content distribution.

    Integrated Marketing requires some effort but it’s the best way to drive sales, increase profit and ultimately save time and money. It is important to select the right content and channels, based on the available resources and the customer profile. Most small businesses can achieve success using 2-4 channels. InnoFuture expert will help your businesses develop and leverage the right channels for best results.