History has shown us that with each economic fall, each country decline, and every tragic event, comes a rise of bold ideas, people, and actions. While many cry out as times get hard, there are a select few who turn their noses to the grindstone and look for news ways to solve new problems.
In these times, these individuals are often seen as crazy or delusional, but when the dust clears and time moves on, they are remembered only as visionaries and even heroes.
But it doesn’t take a national or world crisis to spur innovation – it can, and does, happen in the smallest organizations. A tiny coffee shop in Seattle, an IT company in Britain, a web design team in Chicago. These and thousands of companies are re-thinking their approach to everyday problems, and sometimes their small solutions become world-wide phenomena.
We all begin to think of innovation in terms of giant, grand ideas that change the world, which can be very daunting to the little guy. But in reality, big innovation usually starts simply with a new idea, or a question: “how can we do this better?” It’s the followthrough that forms leaders out of followers.