Random Thoughts – Brand on the Move

Random Thoughts – Brand on the Move

Here is a One Random thought for you. Sharks and Innovation. I am obsessed with innovation. I provide innovation through marketing, but I keep coming to the same topic: no matter how big or small your business is, how experienced or new you are to the job or...
Plan to Be Unique – Breed Innovation

Plan to Be Unique – Breed Innovation

In the over-use of the term “innovation”, we tend to believe that being innovative is something that just comes naturally to the lucky ones, or that it’ll just happen as long as we are diligently talking about it. The truth, as many thought-leaders...
A Look Back on Innovation

A Look Back on Innovation

It’s Q4, and for many of us this means it’s time to review what our organisation and industry have done during the year. For some, it means crunching numbers and sleepless nights, for others it means reviewing what didn’t work and planning for the...
The Burnout of Innovation

The Burnout of Innovation

There is an epidemic in business culture today. “Innovation” is on everyone’s lips and minds, but very few are truly grasping what it means. If you have been in business for a while, then you will most likely have a firm grasp on the idea that...