Marketing Insights for B2B Business Leaders.Creating Creativity: How Waiting For Inspiration Will Kill Your Business
Creative thinking is not the same for every person, group, or organisation. Many of us see creativity as something you are either blessed with or not, and that hiring creative people is the necessity. The truth is: EVERYONE has he capacity for creative thinking, and...
Employee Engagement Through Remote Learning
As the Global Economy adapts to the Information Age, many organisations are struggling to adopt new, state-of-the-art technologies for accomplishing tasks and training staff, while maintaining or increasing the productivity of their workforce. It seems like a...
Top 5 Ways to Build a Business Culture of Innovation
Innovation is on the minds of any business leaders looking to the future of their business, and we all understand that innovation is the one thing that sets apart all great leaders from simple managers. But how many of us know how to create a business culture that...
Practical Uses of Non-Negotiable Principles: Better Blog Posts
As we discuss Non-Negotiable Principles (NNPs) more and more with business leaders, one of the rising questions is "what are the practical applications of these strategies?" As you may know, developing core NNPs for your organisation will help everyone on the team...
Competitive Strategy: Learn From Innovation Outside of Your Industry
In the world of today, job losses are increasing, manufacturers are being driven to close their doors, and large corporations are selling their assets for pennies on the dollar. It seems grim, but only from one side of the coin. If you flip it over, entrepreneur...
The Only Path to Business Agility
Many people believe that a company's sole, or at least most important, purpose is to make money. While it is true that profit is vital for an organisation's survival, it is absolutely wrong that money should be the core purpose. Truthfully, the core purpose of any...
Business Innovation Makes Competition Irrelevant
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin Now known as the Father of Evolution, Charles Darwin formed his theories on natural selection through his...
Continuous Improvement Through Uncompromising
It may sound contradictory to everything you know of business agility and innovation in the Digital Age, but there are still some areas in which a business simply cannot afford to compromise. Which changing and adapting is essential, the underline principles and...
Random Thoughts – Brand on the Move
Here is a One Random thought for you. Sharks and Innovation. I am obsessed with innovation. I provide innovation through marketing, but I keep coming to the same topic: no matter how big or small your business is, how experienced or new you are to the job or...