As the Global Economy adapts to the Information Age, many organisations are struggling to adopt new, state-of-the-art technologies for accomplishing tasks and training staff, while maintaining or increasing the productivity of their workforce. It seems like a conundrum, as many approach “training” by sitting employees in front of self-guided or presentation style “modules” on a computer and call that sufficient.
It’s not sufficient. In fact, it can barely be called training.
The most important thing that any Leader can learn is that the Information Age DOES NOT mean that everything is “hands off.” Employee engagement requires engagement not only with coworkers, but with team leaders and the Non-Negotiable Principles of the entire business. To lead your company to the top of the competitive heap, you must be able to instill passion in your team for the core values your company has.
Luckily, this CAN be done using new technology. You can systematise your processes, train people more effectively, and instill creative passion for the business without expending all of your time in training.
Online, interactive training platforms offer organisations the opportunity to develop self-paced training materials that can be tested, reviewed, and interacted with – no more simply clicking “Next Slide.”
This is the reason that InnoFuture has developed the DOJO platform. In our article, Business Culture People Love to Follow, we described the benefits that this type of corporate learning has – forums, Q&A sections, trackable progress and test for all managers. The Information Age should make communication more effective and efficient, not eliminate it!
Consider more interactive options for training if you want to possess a truly engaged and innovation workforce. The larger your organisation is – the more you need a system for training and innovation!