What are Non-Negotiable Principles
Non-Negotiable Principles [NNP] is a leadership system for building highly differentiated, competitive and agile organisations. Non-Negotiable Principles [NNPs] is a Game-Changing strategic and dynamic management framework, designed to simplify B2B marketing strategy to the point of Agile Action. It provides the organisation with a small set of guidelines that connect Strategy and people on all levels – and are easy to apply in all daily decisions and activities.
InnoFuture has developed the Non-Negotiable Principles [NNP] Blueprint as a process that assists leaders in building Brand foundations for sustainable growth. These principles not only guide effective marketing communication, sales and service functions but also every other part of business, from product and service innovation to logistics and online experience.
The NNP process comprises a six-milestones process, where the Output is a ready-to-go system for driving competitive strategy. The NNP Blueprint comes complete with a framework for agile strategic decision-making, your business Brand story, and a Map to visually focus all employees on strategy and how they connect and contribute. The NNP Blueprint also comes with an electronic, editable content that can be continually improved and updated as the organisation improves in this process.
What Outcomes does the NNP Blueprint deliver?
- Define your business Vision – to inspire and engage people with your business ‘brand’ internally and externally;
- Define your Unique Value-Adding Proposition [UVAP]: as a clear road-map for the employees;
- Clear definition of Innovation – specifically for your business;
- Develop simple, actionable framework for Agile Decision-Making (Non-Negotiable Principles)
- Put your competitive Strategy in overdrive – with a self-organising Business Culture of Productivity & Innovation;
- Gain a Leadership Communication system – to drive the ‘Brand’ message and consistently attract best employees, customers and partners;
These foundations will also allow you to build a world-class Learning Toolbox and System – to nurture the Culture and watch your business grow!
WHY your Business needs Non-Negotiable Principles?
Statistics show that almost 40% of CEOs NEVER communicate strategic ‘Brand’ objectives to employees and are NOT involved in the innovation process.How can you expect to engage Customers if your employees are not actively engaged in building an exciting, differentiated ‘Brand’? Enduring business success is anchored in employees’ understanding the company’s strategic direction and brand message. Marketing communication must start with your employees or your strategy will fail to deliver its promise.
When a brand does not communicate its non-negotiable principles internally:
Only 68% of employees are proud to work for their employer [even less for SMEs].
- Only 69% believe their work is valued.
- 20% don’t have a clear idea of what is expected of them in their role.
- Only 58% of an employee’s day is spent on work that directly adds ‘real value’.
Note: the BIGGEST impact on Growth is when these statistics are projected onto the most qualified employees who SHOULD be creating new value for business!
Having the NNP system enables:
- Organisations to make better decisions and more agile decisions on all levels.
- Leaders to communicate more effectively to ensure consistent customer experience through all parts of business.
- The workforce to be conditioned for change and agility in value creation.
We Put Your Business Ahead of the Game!
The POWER of the Non-Negotiable Principles System is the simplicity of design and implementation, and the ability to create value within daily operations.
Bottom Line Benefits to Your Business:
- Improved focus on strategic direction – for everyone!
- Clear focus for innovation – more effective innovation.
- Increased differentiation – easier Selling.
- Increased customer loyalty and advocacy – cheaper Marketing.
- Shorter decision cycle – increased Productivity.
- Better quality of employee decisions – improved job satisfaction.
- Engaged, committed employees – increased Value creation.
- Real continuous improvement – increased Productivity and Profits.
- Increased capacity to innovate and develop new markets.
- Lower staff turnover – savings in cost of hiring and re-training.
- Increased staff retention – retention of proprietary know-how.
Getting the Non-Negotiable Principles System in the hands of your Employees is urgent and important.
Build a Culture that builds Brand Attraction and Innovation Capacity.
For for urgent help call Margaret Manson: 0407 66 11 30.