I am so excited. This Thursday I am giving a presentation on Maximising Business Potential Through Culture in the most innovative training facility in the southern hemisphere – www.BLSC.com.au.
The function, titled Maximising Your Organisation’s Potential, will be held at the Building Leadership Simulation Centre for a total of two and a half hours. Myself and other speakers will be presenting our own contributions to the overall topic of improving your business through culture and innovation.
The Building Leadership Simulation Centre itself is the “first fully integrated training facility for the Construction industry.” With interactive and state of the art learning tools such as “3D technology, a 15 meter panoramic screen, replica site sheds and a team of trained actors” to create the most realistic virtual workspace possible.
From the invitation:
“Whether your business is commerce, construction, education, or bio-sciences – your workplace holds the potential to maximise performance and build exceptional business value.”
“DISCOVER the new way in which people can partake in an immersive, simulated training experience designed to develop leadership, management and other invaluable soft skills essential to building the workplaces of the future.”
“IMAGINE how workplace environment combined with training and people culture can maximise your own organisation’s potential.”
Very fitting words for businesses of today. Shortly after the presentation is given, it will be made available here on the site, so stay tuned for that!