Where Ideas Come From

“No matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else.” Bill Joy, Cofounder Sun Microsystems The Concept of Open Innovtion is not new. The famous Duomo of Florence, one of the engineering wonders of the world, was a result of a contest....

Rapid Prototyping: Hit Music to Business Models

Deep Purple is one of the greatest  bands of all times. It may be not your favourite but no one can go past ‘Smoke on the Water’ unaffected. Freakish Creativity? No doubt. But what counts and makes it a valuable lesson for a business, is CONSISTENT...

The Growth Code: The Art of Thinking Big

The latest list of world’s top 50 most innovative companies from Fast Company reveals that exceptional business growth and breakthrough innovation is about thinking big and a powerful vision of business leaders.  This who-is-who list of global game changers and...

What If You Could Innovate Productively?

Who wouldn’t like to swap places with Apple or IDEO? These companies have for nearly a decade consistently topped the list of 50 world’s most innovative companies, despite the radical change in the business landscape, that has seen social web upstarts soar...

Is This Really Innovation?

trevordiy.wordpress.com OK, now you’ve got a definition. One of the most common definitions now popular in Australia is that Innovation is the application of fresh ideas that enable a business to better compete in the future. In the future? Damn! Your boss just told...