Leadership Model for Building Iconic Business Cultures

Business Culture is the strongest element of the competitive advantage: the one that is virtually impossible to copy. Culture, as a shared and ‘voluntary’ behaviour of a group (your organisation), if correctly ‘designed’ around your Vision and strategy, will effectively drive  Productivity, Innovation, profitable Customer relationships and, subsequently, Growth. The 6 Steps to InnoCulture process, developed by InnoFuture, enables Leaders to build valuable Business Brands that are anchored in iconic Cultures. InnoFuture approach helps shorten the distance between the Leader and strategy and the front-line. We equip Leaders with a blueprint for agile decision-making on all levels, and with communication tools to personally drive the brand message and the desired behaviours.

There are only three strategic moves Leaders need to take. We assist.

1.    Provide Direction

Translating a company’s Vision and Mission into a few Non-Negotiable Principles* [NNPs], provides everyone in the organisation with a clear focus and an ability to make the right decisions and trade-offs on a daily basis. By making the right decisions more often, employees become more empowered and productivity increases through shorter decision-making cycles and less confusion on all levels. We provide the blueprint for agile decision-making at all levels.

2.    Lead by Example

The patriarchal era of command and control is over. Leaders need to lead by example and aim to understand their customers’ but also their employees’ experience. They must be in the centre of organisational learning and developing desirable behaviours – unique, differentiating culture. We provide the message Leaders can run with.


3.    Build Followers

In the age of influence, Leaders need to create ‘audiences’. This means that they need to be visible, communicate the direction and be in the centre of employees’ learning, conversation and lead that conversation. InnoFuture provides tools and program for Leaders.

To assist business Leaders with implementing the right Business Culture, we provide TWO things: PROCESS & TOOLS.

About the Technology:

The secret to success is consistency and frequency of communicating the direction. We use DOJO coaching, learning and networking online platform as a communication tool to help our clients accomplish their objectives in a measurable manner.

This short video explains how DOJO enables organisations to implement these three moves – easily, consistently and without a disruption to the organisation.

There is no need to fill any forms. To find out more about how we can help you build an iconic, differentiating Culture, simply, request a conversation

Jojo-2InnoFuture is a marketing and innovation specialist helping SME leaders build Business Culture that puts their Competitive Strategy on every employee’s agenda and effectively drives Productivity, Brand Engagement, Continuous Innovation, easier and more Profitable Sales, and Growth.

TALK TO US ABOUT: Building the right Business Culture | Turning your Employees int ‘raving fans’ | Boosting your core Brand strength for higher market impact in the ‘connected age’ |

Margaret Manson | Chief Inspirator: M: 0407 66 11 30 | P: 03 9857 9215