Our Vision is to transform more than five thousand Australian SMEs and Start-Ups into differentiated, innovation-driven Business Brands able to create and market high-value Products and Services for the discerning global customer.
This business transformation, accelerated through broad adoption of The Australian Business Model and will create a “Hyper-Provenance Australia” Culture to leverage the synergy of all our national opportunities.
Hyper-Provenance, is NOT about food industry. It is about the ultimate credentials of any Product or Service, built on earned reputation and trust throughout every element of the supply chain! [Margaret Manson | InnoFuture]
Our ultimate goal is to secure Australia’s sustainable, value-driven economic position in the world. The accelerated rate of success of Australian SMEs and Start-ups, driven by developing individual and national Culture of Quality, Innovation & Productivity with focus on Marketing & Leadership excellence, will give our products and services the right to claim Hyper-Provenance Australia. This is more than a ‘made in Australia’ label. It’s about a deep conviction to the meeting the needs of the discerning global Customer in a way that only Australian business can deliver.
The sustainable economic prosperity generated by the success of the Australian Business Model will both attract and command smart, strategic Government investment in infrastructure, innovation, education and well-being of our society.
WHY DO WE FOCUS ON SMEs? SMEs: (1) make 97% of Australian business counts, (2) generate 30-40% of GDP, (3) in the absence of Australian multinationals, are the only sustainable future source of job growth and need to be able to generate smart jobs for smart economy, (4) in general, are currently under-performing in marketing and innovation, (5) need to understand and support the notion that their own Competitive advantage in the ‘Asian century’ is closely linked to the image Australia represents to the world; and, (6) need to understand that to be locally competitive, they need to be globally competitive.
It all starts with inspired Leaders! Australian business leaders need to embrace global outlook, because even in local markets the competition is becoming global. It’s time to start thinking seriously BIG and set your own rules for long-term success with the Australian Business Model framework.
The Australian Business Model (inspired by the example of German Mittelstand, i.e. powerful economy built on a large number of super-successful SMEs), provides the solid, practical foundations for Business Owners for building and leading a consistently successful, globally competitive business – the right way | or to start a new business the right way.
The Vision of ‘Hyper-Provenance Australia’ will be delivered through the InnoFuture IDEAL Business Academy, a technology-driven learning and collaboration Platform and Network for SMEs. It will provide SME Leaders and their organisations with inspired, practical learning and ongoing support; with access to a global and local Network of best resources and expertise based on our philosophy that “to be the best you need to play with the best”.
Australian SMEs:
- Gain an opportunity to become one of the top 5% of Australian high growth businesses!
- Go one step further and become one of Australia’s global big niche super-Brand!.
- Grow business, enjoy employee loyalty and commitment.
- Be in a better position to attract best and committed employees.
- Enjoy the benefits of easier Selling and cheaper Marketing through inbound traffic a strong brand creates.
Australian Government:
- Instant Vision, Vehicle and hundreds of ready experts to effect this transformation.
- More strategic national economic transformation – driving smart job and national wealth creation.
- Ongoing, incremental economic growth – Not a once-of project.
- Improved balance of trade.
- More resources and better strategic focus to invest in the infrastructure, education and well-being of the society.
- Stronger bargaining power to attract ‘good’ foreign investment
Strategic Business Partners:
- Leverage success & loyalty of their SME customer base.
- Increase revenue and profitability from financially stronger SME customers.
- Have stronger and smarter SMEs in their supply chains.
- Connect with progressive SMEs and create greater awareness and demand for their services – faster.
- Build their leadership and Brand profile through sharing their success experience in the Academy Program.
NOTE: The flow-on gains from the InnoFuture Business Academy program and success stories are exponential due to interconnectedness of all industries: Manufacturing, food producers, agriculture, tourism |Design, consulting, training, business services |Banks, technology, ICT…
This is an opportunity for progressive Business and Government to be part of a history-making initiative . Our Founding Partners will be the first to derive major GAINS from financially stronger, fast growing SME sector. We are looking for strategic investment, leadership, expertise and specially tailored Product/Service offers from our Partners to support our Future Business Champions.